Monday, December 1, 2008

My Favorites

1.What is your favorite subject ? Yearbook
2. What color are your socks right now? White
3. What was the last thing that you ate? Pizza
4. Can you drive ?Somewhat
5. If you were a crayon, what color would you be and why ? I would be a multi color crayon, because I like all sorts of color.
6. The last person spoke to on the phone ? Martel
7. What is your favorite candy ? Turtels
8. Favorite drink ? Fruit Punch
9. What is your favorite sport to watch ? Basketball
10. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes
11. Pets? Yes
12. Favorite food ? Tacos
13. What was the last movies you watch ? American Gangster
14. What do you do to vent anger ? I listen to ny music
15. What was your favorite toy as a child ? Barbie dolls
16. What is your favorite season fall or spring ? Spring
17. Cherries or Blueberries ? Cherries
18. When was the last time you laughed ? Ten minutes ago
19. What did you do last night ? Watch movies and used the phone
20. Favorite smells ? Curve Crush and Tommy Girl
21. What inspires you ? My brother
22. What are you afraid of? Nothing
23. Favorite dog breed ? Peikanese
24.# of keys on your key ring ? One
25. Favorite day of the week ? Saturday
26. How many states you lived in ? One
27. Favorite holiday? Christmas
28. Ever driven a motorcycle or heavy machinery ? No
29. Ever left the country? No
30. Favorite kind of music ? R and B
31 Last book you read ? True To The Game 3

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