Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Do U Know Me Best

The person that knows me best is my mother. She know what I would do,and would not do. She know I'm not the sneaky type. I'll tell her. I have no reason to hide anything from her.The only she can say is Yes or No. She can barely say no to me .But, most of her no's mean yes. She knows I be playing and forreal.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Me Being Hard Headed

One time me and my friend told my daddy we were going with her sister. We end up all the way in the 100. We was there just haging out having fun. We wasn't thinking about the time. I had got real late.We almost missed the last bus. My friend phone started ringing and it was her sister she live in Las Vegas. She was looking stupid. Then her mom called her. You know she didn't answer any of the calls. We were trying to beat my mother home. But we didn't. When we got in the house she snaped. She hit twice in my head.It didn't hurt, but i moved my head to make it look like it hurt. I learned don't lie on family members cause you will get caught.